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  • Punjab Beyond

Punjab's Plight: The Tragedy of Economic Manipulation by the Central Government

In the lush fields of Punjab lies a tale of economic hardship, ecological decay, and political manipulation orchestrated by those in power. For decades, the state has grappled with a multitude of issues stemming from the aftermath of the Green Revolution – a corporate experiment that promised prosperity but delivered despair.

The Green Revolution, hailed initially as a savior of India's food security, sowed the seeds of Punjab's economic woes. While it brought short-term gains, its long-term consequences have been dire. Environmental degradation, economic instability, and social unrest have become the bitter fruits of this ill-conceived endeavor.

One of the most pressing issues facing Punjab is its water crisis. Even before the Green Revolution, the state was embroiled in protests against exorbitant prices of irrigated water. Instead of addressing the grievances of the people, the government responded with brute force, further exacerbating tensions and fueling dissent.

Today, Punjab remains predominantly agrarian, with the majority of its population dependent on agriculture for their livelihoods. However, the profitability of farming has dwindled, and the policies of both the central and state governments have only worsened the situation. Punjab's debt continues to soar, while its farmers struggle to make ends meet.

What exacerbates this dire situation is the government's tendency to label political and economic issues as matters of national security. By framing civic protests as threats to sovereignty, the state justifies its draconian measures, further eroding democratic values and stifling dissent.

It's clear that Punjab's economic chaos is not a result of natural forces but of deliberate manipulation by those in power. The Indian government, along with the deep state, seeks to maintain control at any cost, even if it means plunging an entire state into despair.

As citizens, it's our responsibility to stand in solidarity with the people of Punjab and demand accountability from our leaders. We must reject the narrative of fear and insecurity propagated by the state and strive for a future where justice, equality, and democracy prevail. The fate of Punjab is intertwined with the fate of our nation, and only through collective action can we pave the way for a better tomorrow.

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